Complaint: The Urban Outdoor Bluetooth Headset Wearer

Here's an idea: everyone should keep a roll of toilet paper on their belt, in case they need a wipe when they're not in the bathroom. We should also use turn signals when walking in hallways, just in case there's a traffic jam. If you want to be more descriptive, you should use sign language to enhance your coversation. The urban outdoor bluetooth headset wearer follows such logic, parading their mediocre technology on their ear when they will inevitably have to start screaming, cup both hands over their face, or switch to "rotary use" if they actually have anyone that wants to call them. The word's out, dudes... take it off.
* exempt: mail-couriers, FedEx employees, Ari Gold.
dude. i love it but write more. maybe something about midgets and/or a pick-up cover band.
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